We are very pleased to have you join us again! We also are a small residency and will be honored to have you with us this year. Take care and thank you so much for the donation! We greatly appreciate it!
Ldyssecret (Nancy)
From: Jochen Teichmann <duftrauch@tetsch.de> To: pasturesofgreen@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2012 9:35 AM Subject: Equinics 2012
Hi Ldyssecret,
We read at the messageboard, that this year, once again the equinics take place.Phantastic that a traditional sim event like this so long exist and thanks for all your work.
We the german residency City Race Rhein Main Turf Club are existing since year 2000, and once we join the equinics in year 2002 with good performance and one phantastic winner SIM TOGETHER . After this great success we have in the in years after not the good runners to join the equinics.
But after ten years of noshow this year the german team want to participate again. But in fact we are a small company and we will not have runners for all races. But we hope we will get the chance to start.
To support the equinics we will spend 2500 credits. And a article for the BTB
Our track managers are stable joe333 and platero. You can reach us by e-mail duftrauch@tetsch.de or on our messageboard on the website.
Each residency can provide the name and id number of one entry per race. Race passwords will be proved on the specific race page.
Deadline for entries is July 14. I will do my best to accomodate changes right up until the races are carded, but can not guarantee that late changes will make it in.
If any of your residents has difficulty entering any race let me know soonest as Mike is usually quick to fix any problems.
We are just over half way to our requirements. Thanks to all who have supported us.
Donations can be made to the equinics credit account. I check the account every couple of days and add the donations to the Support Page as I see them.
I will be putting together an 'entry page' for the Equinics Torch Run Diary. Each residency is responsible for putting together an entry that reflects their residency. In the past we have tried to make the torch run have some kind of geographic sense, but this tends to be a futile exercise as most residencies exist primarily in cyberspace and have few, if any, geographic boundaries. Because of this fact, I have decided to remove the 'date/time flow' from the torch run. Once your residency has an entry to make, fire it over to me and I will format it and add it to the Diary page. I have not done a page yet, but the Diaries will all be indexed at this link:
bei folgenden pferden ist mit längeren verletzungspausen zu rechnen, die einen potentiellen equinicsstart gefährden könnten: barcelo meandro marvellous mahe the happy banker pearl of prague borges
gab ja einen spendenaufruf. und auch einen neuen torch-diary artikel von pastures of green. da habt ihr aber glück gehabt mit dem gartenausflug, rechtzeitig zurück, oder. hier kam gerade ganz schön was runter.
yup, mano hat wohl denn rest übernommen. die zwei stecken schon viel arbeit da rein, hut ab. jetzt sind ja auch die banner für alle rennen fertig.
schade, eigentlich das du kein foto von deiner gaslampe im garten gemacht hast, das hätte man dann ja vielleicht auch als equinics-fackel ausgeben können, oder?